Want to donate to Sitar Music Society?
Your donation supports our work as an organisation to promote and preserve this rich artistic heritage and tradition.
In person
You can donate cash or by card if you are attending one of our events.
By post
Cheques can be sent to
93 Empingham Drive, Syston, Leicester, LE7 2DL
If you are a UK tax payer then please also add a note with your cheque if would like us to claim gift aid or not with your donation.
By bank transfer
Virgin Money
Acc no. 29935358 Sort code. 05-02-00
Account name. "The Sitar Music Society"
If you wish to pay by bank transfer then please send an email to uksitar@gmail.com stating your name, address, amount donated, and also if you are a UK tax payer and whether you would like us to claim gift aid or not.